Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are your products gluten and wheat free?

Yes! Our products are made without wheat or any other source of gluten, such as barley or rye. Moreover, the dedicated gluten-free facility where we make our products has been certified by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization. We require all our suppliers to fill out non-contamination certificates, and we perform regular Elisa gluten testing to less than 10 ppm. 

Q: What is the Top 14+ or Priority Allergens your products state they are free from?

All of our products are free-from the Top 9+ most common food allergens in the US, as declared by the FDA which are: wheat, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, crustaceans, egg, soy, fish and shellfish. In addition, our products are made in our own dedicated allergen-free facility, so there’s no chance of cross contamination. We also are free-from Canada’s twelve priority food allergens, which include the Top 9 listed above plus sulfites, sesame and mustard. Please see each product page for specific Free-From list.

Q: Are your products made in a dedicated facility?

All of our products are made in our own gluten and common allergen-free facility certified by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization.

Q: Are your products certified Kosher?

Yes, they are certified Kosher Pareve by Rabbi Londinski for Square-K Kosher Services of Seattle, Washington. They are not certified for Passover.

Q: How do I read the expiration date?

Our expiration dates read:

Year (4 digit) Month (Abbreviated) Day (2 digit) Example: 2024 JN/June 30 = Expires June 30, 2024, Other numbers are Batch/Lot numbers.

Q: I want to buy your product locally and I don't see a store near me on your store locator. What can I do?

Namaste Foods products are available in many, many stores nationwide. However, if your local store does not yet carry our exceptional products, please request them with the store manager. Once you've done that, please send us a quick note telling us the name of the store. We will follow up with them and do our best to bring Namaste Foods products to where you shop (and we're successful over 90 percent of the time!) 

Q: I am ordering your product but wondered about the xanthan gum. Doesn't xanthan gum have corn in it?

Namaste Foods uses xanthan gum that is NOT derived from corn or corn sources. It is certified by the manufacturer to be free of corn, wheat and soy. If you are reacting to xanthan gum it is much more likely that you have a sensitivity to xanthan gum itself and should avoid all products containing xanthan gum.

Q: Is there a difference between cane sugar and plain sugar?

Cane sugar is a healthier alternative to refined sugar. While both sweeteners are made from sugar cane, cane sugar does not undergo the same degree of processing that refined sugar does. Therefore, it retains more of the nutrients found in sugar cane.

Q: I am concerned about recent studies on arsenic in rice. Is your rice flour safe?

Arsenic naturally occurs in the earth’s crust, an abundant substance that makes up the outer layer of the earth we all live upon. A certain amount of exposure is unavoidable and normal. Some areas, though, have naturally elevated arsenic levels. Namaste Foods sources our ingredients from California, an area of lower inorganic levels of arsenic.

Q: Can an egg substitute be used in place of eggs?

Most Namaste Foods products are formulated to be used with eggs. However, we have many customers who use egg substitutes with success though some amount of experimenting may be necessary. We have put together all of our suggestions on an Egg Replacer Suggestions sheet. For suggestions when baking in high altitudes with egg substitutes, please see our High-Altitude Recommendations available on our website or request from Customer Service. 

Q: How do you make half a package of your Cakes?

Use 13 oz for the Cakes. Don’t worry if the mix doesn’t measure up exactly in half in cup measurements. This can vary as the mix settles and depending on how you measure it. Even if one half is a little less than the other, it typically bakes up fine. 

Q: There are small dark particles in some of your mixes, can you tell me what this is?

It is a surprise to most people, but we use real vanilla! What you see in your mix is bits of ground vanilla bean. You can expect to see these in our Waffle/Pancake Mix and Muffin & Scone Mix. If you are seeing dark particles in your Pizza Crust mix, those are herbs and spices.

Q: Can I always substitute your Perfect Flour Blend cup for cup in all my recipes?

For most simple recipes, the answer is yes. Some recipes may require more flour or liquid to be added or some experimentation. Recipes that include yeast are even more finicky and may require experimentation. We have several recipes that include yeast on the website and recommend you try our Granny's GF bread recipe when making bread. If your baked item results are gummy, too soft or moist, we recommend adding 2-6 additional tablespoons of Perfect Flour Blend to increase structure. To add lightness to gluten free baking, many people suggest adding 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.

Q: What is in the Italian Seasoning used in your products?

The Italian seasoning in several of our products contains granulated garlic and onion, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme, basil, oregano and marjoram.

Q: What do you recommend for baking in high altitudes?

For those cooking our delicious products in high altitudes we have put together a High-Altitude Recommendations sheet available on the website to guide you toward cooking perfection. Enjoy!

Q: Do you use genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) in your products?

Almost all Namaste Foods products and ingredients are Non-GMO Project Verified. The others are still in the lengthy verification process. All products and ingredients are, to the best our knowledge, considered to be non-GMO in that they are produced with the addition of no genetically modified organisms.

Q: Can I use a bundt pan and are there adjustments I need to consider?

Yes, you can! Prepare as directed and depending on the calibration of your oven, bake time should be 45-50 minutes. Be sure to toothpick test for doneness.

Q: Why is cane sugar the first ingredient in so many of your mixes?

We use a flour blend, but because the flours are listed individually, each is a smaller amount alone than the sugar.

Q: Sometimes the pizza crust turns out soggy. How can I avoid this?

When pizza is done baking, pull out of the oven and slide it onto cooling rack for approximately 4 minutes. You must let air get to the bottom of the pizza in order to let it release the built-up heat and steam.

Q: The pancakes I made following the directions on your packaging came out gummy and undone in the center. What can I change so it doesn't happen again?

If your batter is too thick it often helps to add 1-2 tablespoons of extra liquid. Sometimes high humidity is also a factor. We suggest you add an additional 1-2 tablespoons of Waffle and Pancake Mix or Perfect Flour Blend per batch and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar per batch. When using egg replacements, experimentation will be necessary. IMPORTANT: always cook pancakes on medium heat and allow enough time for them to brown up both sides.

Q: What size eggs do I use for your mixes?

We use medium to large eggs. If you use small eggs you will want to add an additional egg.

Q: If I want to add berries or other suggestions from your mix instructions, how much should I add?

You can adjust to your individual preference but start with one-half cup and add to your liking. More than 1 cup fresh or frozen fruit might cause the bake time to change.

Q: Can I use Perfect Flour Blend to make gravy?

Yes, many of our customers use it to make gravy as they would regular flour and have great success. Combine 1 tablespoon flour with ¼ cup cold water using whisk or shaker to remove all lumps.

Q: What is the best way to store your products?

Depending on where you live you should store the products as you would any of your dry goods. If you are not going to use them on a regular basis or intend on keeping them for several months, you should consider how you would store any other products (for your area) to keep them longer. Always remember to bring to room temperature (if refrigerating or freezing) before using in your recipes.

Q: Which Namaste Foods products are vegan?

All Namaste Foods products are considered vegan as they do not contain animal products including dairy and eggs. Many of our baking mixes recommend the addition of eggs though some people use an egg replacer as a substitute with good results, although some experimentation may be necessary.

Q: Where can I find your products if I live in Europe, Australia or other parts of the world?

We have many customers who have contacted us to let us know of the following online stores that carry our products and have great customer service.

Q: Can your flours be refrigerated or frozen?

Yes, they will last longest this way. We do recommend allowing them to return to room temperature before using.

Q: Are the flours/ingredients you use fortified or enriched?

Namaste Foods uses many different kinds of flour in our products including brown rice flour, sorghum flour, quinoa flour, millet flour, just to name a few. While we do not use ‘fortified’ flours, almost all Namaste Foods products carry the Whole Grain stamp and thus, carry all the nutritional benefits of a whole grain product.

Q: Is your baking soda aluminum-free?


Q: Are your products Feingold Approved?

Yes. Namaste Foods is currently listed on the website under "Product Resources."

Q: Is your sea salt iodized?

No, the sea salt we use is non-iodized.

Q: How can I make the Perfect Flour Blend self-rising to use in recipes that call for self-rising?

Typically, you can mix the following formulation to make it self-rising: 1 cup flour, ½ teaspoon salt and 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder.

Q: What are rice syrup solids? Did you change your formulas and add sugar?

Rice syrup solids, rice protein and natural mixed tocopherols are the components in rice milk powder, which has always been in many of our products. Canadian labeling requirements require that we list it this way. It is basically powdered white rice.

Q: Can I make a crispy crust Pizza with your mix?

Absolutely! Just flip the crust over after initial bake time, add toppings and bake an additional 10-15 minutes or until golden and bubbly. We suggest sliding baked pizza onto cooling rack for a few moments to allow air underneath to allow moisture to evaporate prior to putting on cutting board to slice.

Q: Which citrus fruit is used for making citrus fiber used in some of your products?

Our Citrus Fiber is made from 100% dried orange pulp. No preservatives or processing aids are used in its production.


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